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ABC Webinar: E-Preservation Act – Stay Tax-Compliant beyond 2024 (JP|EN)

9 November 2022, 16:30 - 17:30

With the 2021 Japan tax reform of the E-Preservation Act (Act on Book and Record Keeping through Electronic Methods or 電子帳簿保存法) a further step in digitalizing tax related processes has been taken. The changes will be more fundamental as the possibility to preserve records of so called “electronic transactions” in hard copy format has been abolished from January 2022, with the possibility of a deferred implementation over a period of two years. Accordingly, from 1 January 2024 taxpayers will be obliged to preserve “electronic transactions” in an electromagnetic format, which is accompanied by certain rules and standards for handling and storing information electronically.

This webinar will provide an introduction to the rules for electronic preservation for all types of company records, i.e. accounting books, scanned documents and electronic transactions, and will explore the available tools and measures to stay compliant for preserving records in an electronic format.

The format is a 10min English introduction in the main points relevant followed by a 30min Japanese explanation covering details of the new regulations.

Topics will inter alia include:

  • Definition of types of company records per the E-Preservation Act
  • Methods for storing information electronically per the type of records
  • Practical solutions for required systems and processes

Q&A and guidance published by the National Tax Agency Japan

Speakers: Mazars in Japan

Juergen Dumont

Juergen is a Director in the Outsourcing practice of Mazars in Japan. He draws on 27 years of experience from roles in Professional Services and Management in Germany and Japan. He started his career with providing audit and tax advisory services in Duesseldorf and Tokyo, followed by assuming two senior finance roles at German companies in the software and the manufacturing business. Before joining Mazars in Japan Juergen provided tax compliance, outsourcing and market entry support services at a Big 4 tax advisory firm in Tokyo. Due to his experience from working for international organizations at headquarter and subsidiary level, Juergen is destined for assisting foreign-owned companies doing business in Japan. With his dedicated and proactive approach he adds the value clients can expect to receive.


Kentaro Togashi

Kentaro is a Manager in the Outsourcing practice of Mazars in Japan. He has 7 years of experience as an admin manager at a listed venture capital firm. He also worked as a sales representative at the Japan Desk of Mazars Thailand for more than 5 years, assisting Japanese companies doing business in Thailand. He possesses comprehensive knowledge and experiences related to general corporate and legal affairs, accounting and financial reporting (IFRS and J-GAAP), disclosure, international and domestic taxation, investor relations, finance and corporate planning. Kentaro’s focus at Mazars is developing and offering tailored service solutions to clients.​


Mazars in Japan
Mazars is an international audit, outsourcing, tax and financial advisory firm, operating as a united partnership in more than 90 countries. Mazars works as one integrated team, leveraging expertise, scale and cultural understanding to deliver dedicated and tailored services for helping clients make the most of business opportunities and operate with confidence.

2021年度税制改正において、電子帳簿保存法(E-Preservation Act)についても改正が行われました。2022年1月より、納税者は税務計算の根拠資料として「電子取引」(electronic transactions)を保存する際に、プリントアウトした紙資料は認められず、一定の条件を満たした上で電子データのまま保存することが求められます。当改正には2年の宥恕期間が設けられていますが、2024年1月以降は、電子データでの保存が必要です。


• 電子帳簿保存法の対象となる資料の分類と概要
• 各資料の分類ごとの保存方法
• IT及び業務プロセスの観点からの実務的な対応方法
• 国税庁の一問一答及びガイドライン

Date: 9 November 2022, Wednesday
Time: 4.30pm JST, 8.30am CET

Language: 10min English introduction followed by 30min detailed explanation

Registration (free of charge): please click here

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9 November 2022
16:30 - 17:30
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